With both gold and silver mines being found south of Rock Ridge the town is flush with cash and the robbers know it. Just last week they burned one of the banks to the ground trying to open the safe. After an emergency meeting the City Council now have a plan to see that this never happens again. Welcome to the all new, all brick, Rock Ridge Central Bank. 2 stories of brick walls, iron bars and a safe to make sure your money is safe. The new Bank President Allen Johnson lives on the second floor and is always there keeping an eye on your money.
Besides the bank's construction we are ushering in a new day in Rock Ridge with our new lighted Main street. Thanks to the Johnson Daughters Community Relief Organization's donation, we are about to light the entire length of main street with new gaslights just like you find in larger cities.
The new Rock Ridge Bank is the first in a line of full interior buildings for Burn In Designs. The kit is designed with a full set of walls on both the first ans second floors. Including elements and details perfect for RPG or table top gaming use. The set has a room layout designed to mimic a period bank with a separation between patrons and tellers, intermediary security gates and a gated vault space. The second floor is designed as living or office space.
Rock Ridge Central Bank (WRR-CNTBK01 $78)

The Gaslight Boardwalk set builds on the boardwalk design from the Old World Collection quick kit. This build goes to longer section, 8.5" and each is notched for streetlights or signs. The kit include pole bases, 5 upswept and 5 overhung light poles and 2 sign post with signs. This is the addon you are looking for to give your table a more realistic feel.
Rock Ridge Gaslight Boardwalk Set (WRR-GLBS01 $12)
To order a set email us at BURNINDESIGNS@GMAIL.COM or to find out more and stay on top of our new releases please "like" us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BurnInDesigns and follow us on Twitter @BurnInDesigns